Uninterested in the ego, in defending the defenseless. Let's reclaim the sharpie for good. It's a time of the open heart, pure, free, loving, unattached. We are here to believe in each other, to love one another and to speak into the heart of what matters.
Of the earth, by the earth and for the earth.
The latest from the Love offices...
Title: I am a Sharpie + I am a Harpy: Re-generating w/ the swipe of my Pen
Artist: Mel Lutz
Project: Mels Love Land: Docu-Series
Categories: For the earth, All Systems Love
I love a sharpie and I love a harpy we’re going to take all your bs and write a new world, no longer your bitch we going to till you over into a ditch as we roar on we will only honor the deep power of soul’s knowing now love now light now threshold I hope you like the dirt because we will bury your hate and grow flowers fueled with love. we will transform your vitriol and become nourished by your cries we will be love in this moment and the next we will birth anew hope from every act of cowardice we will take any distilled projections of hate for what we are for the magic we posses and stuff it down your throat with the pure glee raging from the wisdom of our beings. we will ride into each battle and stand in our knowing we will begin again with each reference to fear each slur of deceit each demand of the ego and slur of our gifts call me grasping and unpleasant you will choke on your words with a quickening swiftness you will be shut down. every word meant to shame will return to you and slam each and every one of you in the face with love and break any chains with foolish knowing love re aligns the universe to lift us up met in each moment showing up as defenders of what is right what is just what is good kindness will be our sword and we will massacre your fearful needs with a full and present knowing of oneness that will topple the shit filled tyranny of any systems that is not of the earth, by the earth and for the earth. take that you motherfucking out of mind lizard people. I’m going to take my sharpie and re-write your boring ass tired as fuck (AF) cliche lack of imagination unheralded wrong ideas with a compassion that moves the seas. My harpy breasts will shoot down your tiny penis driven mother fucker kindness is defiance curses be lifted and wiped away leo season I am a patriot who is ready to start a riot. #NOW #ForTheEarth
This poem is part of Mels Love Land MiniMag Issue 16 | BIG LOVE
more info here
I hope you receive the words from our poem ft in our Mels Love Land MiniMag Issue 16 Big Love to ring the bell for what is right, what is just and as a straight up call for love and kindness to do what it does that we might be free at last.
Brought to You By:
Melanie Lutz

Twitter @MobileMel
Literary/storytelling/filmmaking/love activating change maker
Follow Mel @CrazyLemonLove @MelsLoveLand on IG
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