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all our thoughts 

were loving? . . . 


consider the possibility

Blog For Writing + News + Loving Thoughts + Love Actions

Activism of the Heart

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

While the world realigns with love, Day 3 of Mels Love Land's NEXT 100 of love takes the turn into integrating the ups and downs, rights and lefts and witnessing all the balance, support and care available with space for difference and grace. Remember you are always loved, you are never alone and you are safe.

Each cycle brings some new opportunities and is a work in progress throughout. The circle of love and possibility is open

Our way into this process is prayer and listening and allowing the possibility that everything you are thinking if it is not with love is not true.

Consider the Possibility There is Another Way

Opening Prayer

Use me. Work through me. Light the way ahead. Bring me peace. Bring me joy. Bring me what you think I need. Guide me with grace to the people, places and things that will support my soul’s purpose. Allow me the wisdom to experience and receive all that is meant for my unfoldment. May I listen with ears to hear and eyes to see. May every decision I make be at the center of my well being. May it be as it always was.

In love.


Today in the love workshop, Mel talks about stillness, introduces the concept of Love Activism and connects with Virago's first song in her 90 days of music, Bob Marley's Natural Mystic from her perch in Panama.

Take a moment to go inward, opening to a vision of your life as yet unexperienced, a vision for something born of pure wisdom of one who knows nothing, a vision that awaits the simple, quiet act of becoming absolutely still in the complete presence of love. Seek only to find perfect stillness, remaining in quiet gratitude. Let everything reveal itself exactly as it is exercising your inner musculature of not doing, not questioning -- and just being. Affirm It   I have a beautiful vision for my life. Wisdom Teaching  Don't wait for permission to express yourself, your inner power, your voice. Now is always the time. Our soul's code revels in the fullest expression of our brave heart. As we recognize the perfect presence within ourselves the purest medicine pours from us as our loving offering to the world in an unending interconnected chain of grace. Sharing from this place of perfect stillness aligns us with our sacred purpose. Soul Quotes "Long ago the greek philosopher Heraclitus argued justice emerges from strife of opposites and Hegel, in modern philosophy preached a doctrine of growth through struggle. It is both historically and biologically true, 'there can be no birth and growth without birth and growing pains.'" - Martin Luther King, Jr Notes from the Land of Gandhi “The soul sits at the center of the heart, as though in a house.”  Twelfth century Christian mystic, Hildegard of Bingen If You Seek Peace, be still. If you Seek Wisdom, be silent. If you Seek Love, be yourself. ---Becca Lee For Your Consideration Love Actions:

A few of us have signed up to become a member to NAACP Berkshires in support of this Next 100 Days of Love an annual membership is $30. If you are interested in hearing about some other organizations that support our black fam fam we're happy to make suggestions as we encourage the necessary actions.

Also, there are lots of opps to do good, here's a link to support Black owned vegan bakers across the country. They ship. while centering in your stillness, don't forget cookies are good for the soul's creative passions.

Shout Out:

Grateful to Cosmic musician Virago for holding down the soulful beats from her perch in Panama accompanying our 100 days of love with 90 days of song and spirit weaving into our field of loving possibilities sharing her harmonic gifts.

Here's a link to the Next 100 Live musical opening number (Love in the time of Earth)

Follow her on IG and Vimeo:


IG @ViragoSound   

During these 100 days, we surround all our actions with love. I hope you find it meaningful, if you want to join please check out the offering of love and find ways to be kind, loving, and take action for the betterment of your community, your heart and your loves.

Love, Mel

Melanie Lutz is a filmmaker and love activist co-creating worlds of love. Much of her work is grounded in the practice of Mels Love Land.


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