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all our thoughts 

were loving? . . . 


consider the possibility

Blog For Writing + News + Loving Thoughts + Love Actions


It is often said in love activism, sacred heart, spiritual, inspiration and community care circles, "My love and kindness heals the world." Now is the time for BIG LOVE to interact in ways large and small with deep abiding eternal loving that expands vision, shifts our POV and allows for more grace and patience throughout our neighborhoods.

We hope this issue of Mels Love Land MiniMag honors the intention to open the heart and allow all the love that ever was to be felt, to be experienced and to radiate kindness on all levels as we deeply transform our perspectives marching into a peace that never ends. This issue is inspired by the City of Light and Love, the isle and heart of France~ Paris. It hopes to honor our collective power, our sense of romance not just for our loved ones but for the world at large, the sweet air of wisdom that flows of the sea, and this issue hopes to remind us of the Notre Dame, Our Lady, the Divine Mary, Gaea as goddess, mother in symbiotic alliance within and to uplift our eternal connection that all women are divine beings, equal, unafraid, alive to possibilities and ready to birth the world anew.

May big love find you now and live througout all you do. May you know the shower of loving blessings that are always surrounding you and may you recognize all the amazing, magnficent and phenomenal gifts ever present.

If you feel called, if you feel the love, subscribe to Mels Love Land and let's be a force mulitplier to rock the love and kindness. Your subscription will deliver a digital copy of the MiniMag and support more love, kindness and community actions. If that doesn't work for you, throughout the quarter we will share poems, inspiration, articles, photos and essays by our loving contributors. You won't miss any of it, as we are always at work to build and create loving offerings.

This Issue 16 BIG LOVE


Linda Gabriel

Nona Grancell

Mary Elizabeth Holmes

Hannah Bella Lee

Melanie Lutz

Kate Neligan

Brandon D. Reim

We are blessed by their contributions and offerings and grateful for their big beautiful hearts. With Issue 16 we kick off our All Systems Love 2020 Initiative that we hope delivers loving transmissions and reminds all who interact with its vibes that all time is now, that +IAMWE2, that harmonies are created in unity of consciousness, sharing our gifts as we move and dance, laugh and experience the quite grace of our everyday choices as we consider the possibility there is another way!

Mels Love Land MiniMag Issue 16 BIG LOVE is part of All Systems Love media.

We look forward to working together to create stories that transform our worlds.

Please reach out if you have any questions, want to participate, or have loving ideas on how to grow our storytelling networks.

Love, Mel


Brought to You By:

Melanie Lutz

Literary/storytelling/filmmaking/love activating change maker

@MelsLoveLand on IG and Twitter

Featuring All Systems Love media offerings

Next 100


Docu-Series (coming soon)


Television Series

and Lots of Love



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